Activation of TMEM16E scramblase induces ligand-independent growth factor receptor signaling and macropinocytosis for membrane repair.
Jung-Eun Kim, Woori Ko, Siwoo Jin, Jin-Nyeong Woo, Yuna Jung, Inah Bae, Han-Kyoung Choe, Daeha Seo, Bertil Hille, and Byung-Chang Suh
Commun. Biol. (2025) 8, 35. doi: 10.1038/s42003-025-07465-6.
A FMRFamide-like neuropeptide FLP-12 signaling regulates foraging-like behaviors in C. elegans.
Kim DY†, Moon KM†, Heo W†, Du EJ, Park CG, Cho J, Hahm JH, Suh BC, Kang K* and Kim K*
BMB Reports (2024) 47, 100124. doi: 10.1016/j.mocell.2024.100124.
The plasma membrane inner leaflet PI(4,5)P2 is essential for the activation of proton-activated chloride channels.
Woori Ko, Euna Lee, Jung-Eun Kim, Hyun-Ho Lim, Byung-Chang Suh
Nat. Commun. (2024) 15, 7008
Molecular and cellular basis of sodium sensing in Drosophila labellum.
Wayesssa RA#, Woo JN#, Kim SY#, Choi H#, Sung HY, Choi MS, Choi M, Yoon SE, Kim YJ, Suh BC*, Kang KJ*, and Kwon JY* (*co-correspondence)
iScience (2024) 27, 110248.
ApoE4-dependent lysosomal cholesterol accumulation impairs mitochondrial homeostasis and alters glucose metabolism in human astrocytes.
Lee H, Cho S, Kim MJ, Park YJ, Cho E, Jo YS, Kim YS, Woo SH, Lee YS, Suh BC, Yoon JH, Go Y, Lee IK, and Seo J
Cell Rep. (2023) 42, 113183.
Two-step structural changes in M3 muscarinic receptor activation rely on the coupled Gq protein cycle.
Kim YS, Yeon JH, Ko W, and Suh BC
Nat. Commun. (2023) 14, 1276.
Reversibility and developmental neuropathology of linear nevus sebaceous syndrome caused by dysregulation of the RAS pathway.
Kim YE#, Kim YS#, Lee HE, So KH, Choe Y, Suh BC, Kim JH, Park SK, Mathern GW, Gleeson JG, Rah JC*, and Baek ST*
Cell Rep. (2023) 42, 112003.
Dual regulation of Kv7.2/7.3 channels by long-chain n-alcohols.
Jeong DJ, Kim KW, and Suh BC
J. Gen. Physiol. (2023) 155, e202213191.
Editorial: Brain Cells’ Compensatory Mechanisms in Response to Disease Risk Factors.
Kim Y* and Suh BC* (*co-correspondence)
Front. Mol. Neurosci. (2022) 15, 1096287.
Molecular basis of the PIP2-dependent regulation of the CaV2.2 voltage-gated Ca2+ channel and its modulation by CaV β subunits.
Park CG, Yu W, and Suh BC
eLife (2022) 11, e69500.
OsSNDP3 functions for the polar tip growth in rice pollen together with OsSNDP2, a paralog of OsSNDP3.
Moon S, Kim YJ, Park HE, Kim J, Gho YS, Hong WJ, Kim EJ, Lee SK, Suh BC, An G, and Jung KH
Rice (2022) 15, 39.
Biophysical physiology of phosphoinositide rapid dynamics and regulation in living cells.
Jensen JB, Falkenburger B, Dickson E, de la Cruz L, Dai G, Myeong J, Jung SR, Kruse M, Vivas O, Suh BC, and Hille B
J. Gen. Physiol. (2022) 154, e202113074. Review
Post-transcriptional modulation of KCNQ2 gene expression by the miR-106b microRNA family.
Kim KW#, Kim K#*, Kim HJ, Kim BI, Baek M, and Suh BC* (#co-first, *co-correspondence)
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2021) 118, e2110200118.
Proprioception, the regulator of motor function.
Moon KM, Kim J, Seong Y, Suh BC, Kang KJ, Choe HK, and Kim K
BMB Reports (2021) 54, 393-402.
Differential regulation of Ca2+-activated Cl- channel TMEM16A splice variants by membrane PI(4,5)P2.
Ko W and Suh BC
Int. J. Mol. Sci. (2021) 22, 4088.
Compartmentalization of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate metabolism into plasma membrane liquid-ordered/raft domains.
Myeong J, Park CG, Suh BC, and Hille B
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2021) 118, e2025343118.
Regulation of Kv7.2/7.3 channel open probability and PI(4,5)P2 affinity by ethanol.
Kim KW and Suh BC
BMB Reports (2021) 54, 311-316.
Allosteric modulation of alternatively spliced Ca2+-activated Cl- channels TMEM16A by PI(4,5)P2 and CaMKII.
Ko W*, Jung SR*, Kim KW, Yeon JH, Park CG, Nam JH, Hille B, and Suh BC (*co-first)
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2020) 117, 30787-30798.
Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate is regenerated by speeding of the PI 4-kinase pathway during long PLC activation.
Myeong J, de la Cruz L, Jung SR, Yeon JH, Suh BC, Koh DS, and Hille B
J. Gen. Physiol. (2020) 152, e202012627.
Ethanol elevates excitability of superior cervical ganglion neurons by inhibiting Kv7 channels in a cell type-specific and PI(4,5)P2-dependent manner.
Kim KW, Kim K, Lee H*, and Suh BC* (*co-correspondence)
Int. J. Mol. Sci. (2019) 20, E4419.
Rapid resensitization of ASIC2a is conferred by three amino acid residues in the N-terminus.
Lee JS, Kweon HJ, Lee H*, and Suh BC* (*co-correspondence)
J. Gen. Physiol. (2019) 151, 944-953.
Translocatable voltage-gated Ca2+ channel β subunits in α1–β complexes reveal competitive replacement yet no spontaneous dissociation.
Yeon JH, Park CG, Hille B*, and Suh BC* (*co-correspondence)
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2018) 115, E9934-E9943.
Modulation mechanisms of voltage-gated calcium channels.
Park CG and Suh BC
Current Opinion in Physiology (2018) 2, 77-83.
The HOOK region of β subunits controls gating of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels by electrostatically interacting with plasma membrane.
Park CG and Suh BC
Channels (Austin) (2017) 5, 467-475.
The HOOK region of voltage-gated Ca2+ channel β subunits senses and transmits PIP2 signals to the gate.
Park CG, Park Y, and Suh BC
J. Gen. Physiol. (2017) 149, 261-276.
ASIC2a-dependent increase of ASIC3 surface expression enhances the sustained component of the currents.
Kweon HJ, Cho JH, Jang IS, and Suh BC
BMB Reports (2016) 49, 542-547.
Acid-Sensing Ion Channel 2a (ASIC2a) promotes surface trafficking of ASIC2b via heteromeric assembly.
Kweon HJ, Kim DI, Bae Y, Park JY, and Suh BC
Scientific Reports (2016) 6, 30684.
PI(4,5)P2 and L-type Ca2+ channels partner up to fine-tune Ca2+ dynamics in β cells.
Suh BC*, Yeon JH, and Park CG (*correspondence)
Cell Chem. Biol. (2016) 23, 753-755. Preview
Ca2+ controls gating of voltage-gated calcium channels by releasing the β2e subunit from the plasma membrane.
Kim DI, Kweon HJ, Park Y, Jang DJ, and Suh BC
Science Signaling (2016) 9, ra67.
Phosphoinositide 5- and 3-phosphatase activities of a voltage-sensing phosphatase in living cells show identical voltage dependence.
Keum D#, Kruse M#, Kim DI, Hille B*, and Suh BC* (#co-first, *co-correspondence)
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2016) 113, E3686-E3695.
^ Commentary in Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2016) 113:7012-4
Dual regulation of R-type CaV2.3 channels by M1 muscarinic receptors.
Jeong JY, Kweon HJ, and Suh BC
Mol. Cells (2016) 39, 322-329.
F1000 Biology
Differential interaction of β2e with phospholipids: a comparative study between β2e and MARCKS.
Kim DI and Suh BC
Channels (Austin) (2016) 10, 238-246.
Molecular basis for dynamic membrane-interaction of β subunit of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels.
Kim DI#, Kang M#, Kim S, Lee J, Park Y, Chang I*, and Suh BC* (#co-first, *co-correspondence)
Biophys. J. (2015) 109, 922-935.
Five hTRPA1 agonists found in indigenous Korean mint, Agastache rugose.
Moon H, Kim MJ, Son HJ, Kweon HJ, Kim JT, Kim Y, Shim J, Suh BC, and Rhyu MR
PLoS One (2015) 10, e0127060.
Dynamic phospholipid interaction of β2e subunit regulates the gating of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels.
Kim DI, Park Y, Jang DJ, and Suh BC
J. Gen. Physiol. (2015) 145, 529-541.
Differential regulation of proton-sensitive ion channels by phospholipids: A comparative study between ASICs and TRPV1.
Kweon HJ, Yu SY, Kim DI, and Suh BC
PLoS One (2015) 10, e0122014.
Analysis of phosphoinositide-binding properties and subcellular localization of GFP-fusion proteins.
Jun YW, Kim S, Kim KH, Lee JA, Lim CS, Chang I, Suh BC, Kaang BK, and Jang DJ
Lipids (2015) 50, 427-436.
Phosphoinositides regulate ion channels.
Hille B, Dickson EJ, Kruse M, Vivas O, and Suh BC
Biochim. Biophys. Acta – Mol. Cell. Biol. Lipids (2015)1851, 844-856.
Molecular basis for N-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channel modulation by Gq protein-coupled receptors.
Keum D and Suh BC
Receptors Clin. Investig. (2015) 2, e515.
Voltage-dependent regulation of CaV2.2 channels by Gq-coupled receptor is facilitated by membrane localized b subunit.
Keum D*, Baek D*, Kim DI, Kweon HJ, and Suh BC (*co-first)
J. Gen. Physiol. (2014) 144, 297-309.
Intracellular membrane association of Aplysia cAMP phosphodiesterase long- and short-form via different targeting mechanisms.
Kim KH, Jun YW, Park Y, Lee JA, Suh BC, Lim CS, Lee YS, Kaang BK, and Jang DJ
J. Biol. Chem. (2014) 289, 25797-25811.
Selective activation of hTRPV1 by N-geranyl cyclopropylcarboxamide, an amiloride-insensitive salt taste enhancer.
Kim MJ, Son HJ, Kim Y, Kweon HJ, Suh BC, Lyall V, and Rhyu MR
PLoS One (2014) 9, e89062.
Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs): a therapeutic target for neurological diseases and its regulation.
Kweon HJ and Suh BC
BMB Reports (2013) 46, 295-304.
Membrane-localized β-subunits alter the PIP2 regulation of high-voltage activated Ca2+ channels.
Suh BC*, Dong-Il Kim, Falkenburger BH, and Hille B* *Co-correspondence
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2012) 109, 3161-3166.
F1000 Biology
Mechanism of Ca2+ channel regulation. (in Korean)
Suh BC
The Science and Technology [월간 과학과 기술] (2011) 514(3), 44-49.
Modulation of high-voltage activated Ca2+ channels by membrane phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate.
Suh BC*, Leal K, and Hille B* *Co-correspondence
Neuron (2010) 67, 224-238.
F1000 Biology
Phosphoinositides: lipid regulators of membrane proteins.
Falkenburger BH, Jensen JB, Dickson EJ, Suh BC, and Hille B
J. Physiol. (2010) 588, 3179-3185. Symposium report
Cholesterol modulates ion channels via downregulation of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate.
Chun SY, Shin S, Kim Y, Cho H, Park MK, Kim TW, Voronov SV, Di Paolo G, Suh BC, and Chung S
J. Neurochem. (2010) 112, 1286-1294.
PIP2 is a necessary cofactor for ion channel function: How and why?
Suh BC and Hille B
Annu. Rev. Biophys. Biomol. Struct. (2008) 37, 175-195. Review
Electrostatic interaction of internal Mg2+ with membrane PIP2 seen with KCNQ K+ channels.
Suh BC and Hille B
J. Gen. Physiol. (2007) 130, 241-256.
F1000 Biology
^ Cover picture in J. Gen. Physiol. (2007) Sep 130(3)
Regulation of KCNQ channels by manipulation of phosphoinositides.
Suh BC and Hille B
J. Physiol. (2007) 43, 911-916. Symposium report
Rapid chemically-induced changes of PtdIns(4,5)P2 gate KCNQ ion channels.
Suh BC*, Inoue T*, Meyer T, and Hille B *Contributed equally
Science (2006) 314, 1454-1457.
^ Comment in Science (2006) 314:1402-3
^ Spotlight in ACS Chem. Biol. (2006) 1:608
Does diacylglycerol regulate KCNQ channels?
Suh BC and Hille B
Pflugers Arch. (2006) 453, 293-301.
Phospholipase C in living cells: Activation, inhibition, Ca2+ requirement, and regulation of M-current.
Horowitz LF*, Hirdes W*, Suh BC*, Hilgemann D, Mackie K, and Hille B *Contributed equally
J. Gen. Physiol. (2005) 126, 243-262.
F1000 Biology
Regulation of ion channels by phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate.
Suh BC and Hille B
Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. (2005) 15, 370-378. Review
Dual roles of P2 purinergic receptors in insulin-stimulated leptin production and lipolysis in differentiated rat white adipocytes.
Lee H, Jun DJ, Suh BC, Choi BH, Lee JH, Do MS, Suh BS, Ha H, and Kim KT
J. Biol. Chem. (2005) 280, 28556-28563.
Regulation of KCNQ2/KCNQ3 current by G protein cycling: the kinetics of receptor-mediated signaling by Gq.
Suh BC, Horowitz LF, Hirdes W, Mackie K, and Hille B
J. Gen. Physiol. (2004) 123, 663-683.
^ Comment in J. Gen. Physiol. (2004) 123:657-62
^ Highlight in Physiology (2004) 19:161
Activation of cyclin-dependent kinase 5 is involved in axonal regeneration.
Namgung UK, Choi BH, Park SH, Lee JU, Seo HS, Suh BC, and Kim KT
Mol. Cell. Neurosci. (2004) 25, 422-432.
Attenuation of signal flow from P2Y6 receptor by protein kinase C-α in SK-N-BE(2)C human neuroblastoma cells.
Lee H, Choi BH, Suh BC, Lee SK, and Kim KT
J. Neurochem. (2003) 85, 1043-1053.
Protein kinase A- and C-induced insulin release from Ca2+-insensitive pools.
Lee IS, Hur EM, Suh BC, Kim MH, Koh DS, Rhee IJ, Ha H, and Kim KT
Cell Signal. (2003) 15, 529-537.
Recovery from muscarinic modulation of M-current channels requires phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate synthesis.
Suh BC and Hille B
Neuron (2002) 35, 507-520.
F1000 Biology
^ Comment in Neuron (2002) 35:411-2
^ Highlight in Nat. Rev. Neurosci. (2002) 3:676
Inhibition of H2 histamine receptor-mediated cation channel opening by protein kinase C in HL-60 promyelocytic leukemia cells.
Suh BC, Lee H, Chun DJ, Chun JS, Namgung U, and Kim KT
J. Immunol. (2001) 167, 1663-1771.
Selective inhibition of b2-adrenergic receptor-mediated cAMP generation by the activation of P2Y2 receptor in mouse pineal tumor cells.
Suh BC, Han S, and Kim KT
J. Neurochem. (2001) 77, 1475-1485.
Inhibition of histamine-induced [Ca2+]i rise and cAMP production by extracellular nucleotides in HL-60 promyelocytic leukemia cells.
Suh BC, Lee H, and Kim KT
J. Leukoc. Biol. (2001) 69, 169-176.
Pharmacological characterization of adenosine receptors in PGT-β mouse pineal gland tumor cells.
Suh BC, Kim JS, Kim TD, and Kim KT
Br. J. Pharmacol. (2001) 134, 132-142.
Inhibition of the EGF-induced activation of phospholipase C-γ1 by a single chain antibody fragment.
Yi KS, Chung JH, Lee YH, Chung HG, Kim IJ, Suh BC, Kim E, Cocco L, Ryu SH, and Suh PG
Oncogene (2001) 20, 7954-7964.
Potentiation of PGE2-mediated cAMP production during neuronal differentiation of human neuroblastoma SK-N-BE(2)C cells.
Choi SY, Choi BH, Suh BC, Chae HD, Kim JS, Shin MJ, Kang SS, Negishi M, and Kim KT
J. Neurochem. (2001) 79, 303-310.
P2X7 nucleotide receptor mediation of membrane pore formation and superoxide generation in human promyelocytes and neutrophils.
Suh BC, Kim JS, Namgung U, Ha H, and Kim KT
J. Immunol. (2001) 166, 6754-6763.
Differential regulation of P2Y11 receptor-mediated signaling to phospholipase C and adenylyl cyclase by protein kinase C in HL-60 promyelocytes.
Suh BC, Kim TD, Lee IS, and Kim KT
Br. J. Pharmacol. (2000) 131, 489-497.
Differential stereoselectivity of D- and L-myo-inositol 1,2,4,5-tetrakisphosphate binding to the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor and 3-kinase.
Suh BC, Kim MJ, Choi, G, Choi KY, Han JK, Chung SK, and Kim KT
Neurochem. Int. (2000) 37, 37-52.
Chlorpromazine-induced inhibition of catecholamine secretion by a differential blockade of nicotinic receptors and L-type Ca2+ channels in rat
pheochromocytoma cells.
Lee IS, Park TJ, Suh BC, Rhee IJ, Kim YS, and Kim KT
Biochem. Pharmacol. (1999) 58, 1017-1024.
Pharmacological characterization of b2-adrenergic receptors in PGT-b mouse pineal gland tumor cells.
Suh BC, Chae HD, Chung JH, and Kim KT
Br. J. Pharmacol. (1999) 126, 399-406.
Syntheses of D- and L-myo-inositol 1,2,4,5-tetrakisphosphate and stereoselectivity of the Ins(1,4,5)P3 receptor binding.
Chung SK, Shin BG, Chang YT, Suh BC, and Kim KT
Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. (1998) 8, 659-662.
Characterization of Mas-7-induced pore formation in SK-N-BE(2)C human neuroblastoma cells.
Suh BC, Lee IS, Chae HD, Han S, and Kim KT
Mol. Cells (1998) 8, 162-168.
Opposing regulatory effects of protein kinase C on the cAMP cascade in human HL-60 promyelocytic leukemia cells.
Suh BC, Choi SY, Chun JS, and Kim KT
Eur. J. Pharmacol. (1998) 353, 105-115.
Differential inhibition of catecholamine secretion by amitriptyline through blockage of nicotinic receptors, sodium channels and calcium channels in bovine
chromaffin cells.
Park TJ, Shin SY, Suh BC, Suh EK, Kim YS, and Kim KT
Synapse (1998) 68, 248-256.
Feedback regulation of ATP-induced Ca2+ signaling in HL-60 cells is mediated by protein kinase A- and C-mediated changes in capacitative Ca2+ entry.
Lee H, Suh BC, and Kim KT
J. Biol. Chem. (1997) 272, 21831-21838.
Two distinct P2-purinergic receptors, P2Y and P2U, are coupled to phospholipase C in mouse pineal gland tumor cells.
Suh BC, Son JH, Joh TH, and Kim KT
J. Neurochem. (1997) 68, 1622-1632.
Histamine inhibits ATP-induced [Ca2+]i rise through the activation of protein kinase A in HL-60 cells.
Song SK, Suh BC, Lee H, and Kim KT
Eur. J. Pharmacol. (1997) 322, 265-273.
Synergistic activation of adenylyl cyclase is dependent upon phospholipase C-mediated processes in SK-N-BE(2)C cells.
Suh BC, Park TJ, and Kim KT
Eur. J. Pharmacol. (1996) 314, 235-242.
Induction of cytosolic Ca2+ elevation mediated by Mas-7-occurs through membrane pore formation.
Suh BC, Song SK, Kim YK, and Kim KT
J. Biol. Chem. (1996) 271, 32753-32759.
AP-1 mediated transcriptional enhancement of the rat tyrosine hydroxylase gene by muscarinic stimulation.
Chae HD, Suh BC, Joh TH, and Kim KT
J. Neurochem. (1996) 66, 1264-1272.
Identification of M3 muscarinic receptor which is coupled to phospholipase C and adenylyl cyclase in SK-N-BE(2)C cells.
Suh BC and Kim KT
Mol. Cells (1995) 5, 86-92.
Signal flows from two phospholipase C-linked receptors are independent in PC12 cells.
Suh BC, Lee CO, and Kim KT
J. Neurochem. (1995) 64, 1071-1079.
Stimulation of adenylyl cyclase mediated by phospholipase C-linked M3 muscarinic receptor in human neuroblastoma SK-N-BE(2)C cells.
Suh BC and Kim KT
J. Neurochem. (1995) 64, 2500-2508.
Inhibition of bradykinin-induced cytosolic Ca2+ elevation by muscarinic stimulation without attenuation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate production in human
neuroblastoma SK-N-BE(2)C cells.
Suh BC and Kim KT
J. Neurochem. (1995) 65, 2124-2130.
Inhibition by ethaverine of catecholamine secretion through blocking L-type Ca2+ channels in PC12 cells.
Suh BC and Kim KT
Biochem. Pharmacol. (1994) 47, 1262-1266.